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Failure is an inevitable part of your startup journey.

- Karthik Sridharan

As a startup founder, you either grow with your company OR you become irrelevant.

- Karthik Sridharan

Startups donโ€™t get easier with time. Just more fulfilling. Also, you get better at facing challenges.

- Karthik Sridharan

Want fame? Build a B2C business. Want profitability? Build a B2B company.

- Karthik Sridharan

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All from a bootstrapped entrepreneur to help shape your dream company.

Once again you prove to be the best Karthik bro in terms of insights. "Concentrate on what you want to achieve or solve through your idea and not the tech" - Biggest lesson I have learnt by following you on Twitter.
Before you startup, go read all the tweets of Karthik. You might not want to believe a few, but in the end you'll realize that he is right! He busts all the myths ๐Ÿ˜›. Good job @KarthikS2206!
Geetha Prabhu
Founder, Workflexi
Well, learning from the best is such a charm! was scouting some great resources for a few insightful research, i guess now i know which course to tinker with. kudos karthik!
This is the advice you gave me 1.5 years ago and helped me so much ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Dagobert Renouf
Great thread Karthik! Bookmarking this for future reference when I'm looking to start something else or to expand! Appreciate your knowledge bombs!
Royce Lee
You are the best Karthik. Your advice is so simple and with full clarity. Following your advice right now and I am sure i will find the answers ๐Ÿ˜
Murali Narasimhan