Gain lessons, experiences, and resources from a bootstrapper's $0 to $3M journey to build your dream startup.
Write once, distribute forever. Each channel has different life spans
Write a lot of unique pieces and don't share them on more than one channel.
Google & Meta expenses is the tax that your startup pays to them for being poor at organic marketing.
Rely on Google & Meta ads when your startup lacks a strong organic marketing foundation.
Great marketing involves "selling" while "helping".
Great marketing involves selling aggressively even when the customer doesn't want it.
Mediocre product with great distribution BEATS great product with mediocre distribution. Customer feedback will make the medicore product great.
Great products with mediocre distribution will always win. Customers always find value in your product on their own.
A startup builds momentum through sales, achieves scale through marketing, and cements its position through branding.
A startup should build momentum through expansion, scale through paid ads and cement its position by
When you have already built a product, it is TOUGH to find the right audience. When you have already built an audience, it is EASY to figure out the right product.
When you already have a product, finding the right audience is easy. But when you already have an audience it can be confusing to understand whom to listen to.
Startups rarely die because their ideas are "stolen" by competitors. They usually die because they are "abandoned" by their founders.
Startups always "fail" due to bad ideas.
You need a mix of bravery, shamelessness, and self-belief to build a startup. Be shameless, your startup will evolve.
You should play it safe and keep your pride intact to be able to build a successful startup.