Gain lessons, experiences, and resources from a bootstrapper's $0 to $3M journey to build your dream startup.
The first revenue goal of your startup is not a million dollars - but to earn enough to NOT quit.
Buildd for million-dollar scale before making $1.
All startups seem like failures till they become overnight successes.
Many startups just got lucky and were successful overnight.
Building a startup is not what the media tells you of huge offices, VC funding, fancy tech, and costly marketing.
Building a startup is all about huge offices, VC funding, fancy tech, and costly marketing campaigns.
Effective marketing focuses on the benefits rather than the features of a product.
Effective marketing is focusing on awesome product features.
SEO is a long-term investment for your startup. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
SEO gets you result quick and cheap.
Buildd community before product.
Product first, community after.
Focus on SEO & Social Media from day 1
When your business is stable, only then start marketing efforts.
Use tech to build your startup. DON'T use your startup to build fancy tech.
Get your VC funding and start building a high-tech fancy product.